Australian PMI®
Up 1.4 points
(seasonally adjusted)


Australian PMI®
Up 0.9 points


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Next Release: 2 August 2021

June 2021 - Overview

Manufacturing grows at record pace

The Australian Industry Group Australian Performance of Manufacturing Index (Australian PMI®) rose by 1.4 points to 63.2 points (seasonally adjusted) and a new series high in June.  This was the ninth consecutive month of recovery for the Australian PMI® following the severe disruptions of COVID-19 in 2020.

This was the highest monthly result since the Australian PMI® commenced in 1992. Results above 50 points indicate expansion, with higher results indicating a faster rate of expansion.

All seven of the activity indicators expanded in June, although four moderated slightly from the previous month. The Australian PMI® capacity utilisation index reduced slightly from its series high in April and May 2021. Across the manufacturing sectors, food & beverages, machinery & equipment, building materials and chemicals all reached record highs in June (trend). Respondents attributed surging activity to: strong demand from the construction and agricultural industries; improved exports; localcustomers seeking local suppliers; low interest rates; and end of financial year sales.

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