A contemporary framework  

The Centre supports businesses to meet changing work structures, roles and environments by transforming through education and training. These five contemporary skills groupings provide businesses with a framework when developing their workforce:

  • Digital Skills
  • Human Capabilities
  • Business Operations & Improvement
  • Workplace Relations
  • Technical/Industry Specific

Businesses are better able to grow and innovate in the midst of rapid change when learning and development for the whole workforce is part of a planned learning and development strategy.

Learning and development strategies

Contemporary learning and development in companies is best supported by a number of strategies:

  • Engendering a culture of learning while working
  • Establishing and using a Learning Management System to keep track of the unique skills pool
  • Implementing a cycle of re-skilling and up-skilling for the whole workforce
  • Providing options for learning to keep skills current in the workplace (face-to-face, online, coaching, social learning platforms, learner input to content)
  • Mixing in-house training with programs developed and delivered by external providers, and co-designing where possible
  • Considering a mix of short courses, micro-credentials and full qualifications as needed by your organisation
  • Gaining the right talent for your workplace by taking on new entrants as students through work-based learning models (apprentices/trainees/cadets/interns).

Ai Group’s education and training programs

Ai Group recognises that ongoing learning and development occurs in a range of different ways that suit individuals as well as company structures, cultures and skill needs. Our programs encompass face-to-face, remote and online learning, wherever possible involving collaboration between participants and across companies, thereby building new collaborative relationships.

See our program of contemporary skills development courses in the Ai Group Training section    


Contact Us

Get in touch with the Centre for Education & Training to discuss your company’s skills issues and plans, our research and reports, or the members’ network.

Address: Level 2, 441 St Kilda Rd Melbourne VIC 3004 Australia

Phone: +61 3 9867 0202

Email: cet@aigroup.com.au

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